Steve, what would we do without you "clarifying" what has already been said?
You are the wizard of overlapping explanations!
i have been reading where the watchtower is closing down kingdom halls.
there is something that i don't understand, or maybe i am just misunderstanding it.
can someone clear this up for me?
Steve, what would we do without you "clarifying" what has already been said?
You are the wizard of overlapping explanations!
i have been on a journey to leave and my plans are starting to come to their fulfillment.
i got the job i want back to move away from where i’m at and i have just a couple of hurdles to get past.
one of those was telling my best friend whom i’ve known since i was 13. he is still very active and indoctrinated and we had a long conversation where i told him i’m leaving the organization.
Why not just pay me to come over and kick the squirt out of you?
It will hurt, sure, but in 3 or 4 months you will have forgotte... Oh, I GET IT!
so my fiancé found out that his mom and sister, both baptized, went to a halloween party last night, dressed up and everything, with his step dad, who’s not a jw.
his mom hardly goes to the meetings or out in service, she’s quite inactive, his sister is a bit more active and serious about it.
i thought it was pretty bold even for someone who’s not a die hard witness.
Mexican TJs (Testigos de you-know-who) are allowed to play with piñatas... it's a short walk around the taco stand to get from piñatas to dia de los Muertos, ¿no?
So what is so damned bad about Halloween? Michael Jackson knew! NOTHING! Just good clean spooky sex with strangers!
i foresee great a very tumultuous road ahead for our dearly beloved governing body, or god(guardians of doctrine).
they need a much more flexible approach to these problems, instead of being narrow mindedly ridged, which seems to be almost impossible for these hyper brain washed fools for corporate jehovah.. looks like am#3 will be the most inflexible since he and corporate jehovah seems to know what each other is thinking and feeling, iow am#3 really thinks he can read jehovah mind that why we affectionately call him tight pants tony, he's probably a closet gay that gets real excited by nice looking brothers in tight pants, and perhaps a camel toe or two has caught his gaze(must keep those things hidden).
i don't see him ever jumping ship he looks like he will ride the watchtower vessel to the bottom of the ocean.. will some future events lead to a big deflection in governing body loyalties?
The present Governing Body has only ONE concern - is there enough loot in the vaults to provide THEM with the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed before they go to meet King Jesus at the celestial altar?
They have no more concern for any FUTURE GeeBee-erss than they have for any other member of the rankin' foul (rank & file for you sticklers - and you know who you are).
The FACT is, they DO! They have more than enuff! So full speedahead, and damn the torpedos!
so i had a chat with a pimo elder who lives down in georgia usa.
he said meeting with the co included direction for at least 12 congregations to be evaluated for dissolution in the near future.
i thought the bible thumping southern us was a jw hot spot?
BRAV-O! The end of something must be REALLY drawing closer!
It might be just two or three lap-dancing generations away!
WOWee! Huzzah!
Yipee Ki-yay, mothertowers!
he said they read the letter to the congregation and were told the kh would be disbanded.
2 other halls in the area were slated for closure.
he said many people in the congregation began crying.
BRAV-O! The end of something must be REALLY drawing closer!
It might be just two or three lap-dancing generations away!
WOWee! Huzzah!
Yipee Ki-yay, mothertowers!
i have been reading where the watchtower is closing down kingdom halls.
there is something that i don't understand, or maybe i am just misunderstanding it.
can someone clear this up for me?
Let me try to explain:
Years ago former McDonald’s CFO, Harry J. Sonneborn, is quoted as saying, “we are not technically in the food business. We are in the real estate business. The only reason we sell fifteen-cent hamburgers (SEE? This WAS a LONG time ago!) is because they are the greatest producer of revenue, from which our tenants can pay us our rent.”
McDonalds owns the properties ad the franchisees rent the restaurant from McDonalds.
One difference between religion and burgers is that burgers are not invisible. Otherwise, the business models are similar. But religion has a lower overhead; no inventory, no waste, no salaries. In both cases the idea is to find a way to generate an income stream while you are waiting for your properties to appreciate.
I leave it to you to tell me which leaves a better taste in your mouth.
quite a few years ago there was a poster here that left the religion because he knew it was simply not true.
however, he returned to jws because he wanted to be with his family.
i don’t know how he is doing but gumby was his name.
I also know a few, and I'm no social butterfly, so it must be pretty common.
I'm not one of them.
do you think the watchtower will sell off any more kingdom hall after the 3,000 have been sold of and why do you think that.
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is a Real Estate enterprise.
Next question?
today is a big anniversary day for me!.
october 23, 1967, was a monday.
i stood in front of district judge leo brewster as he sentenced me to six years in federal prison.. .
Sir82 pointed out, "The wretched irony of it is, some time in the 90's the WTS reversed course and "alternative service" is now perfectly fine for JWs..."
Also worth noting is that the USA now relies on an ALL VOLUNTEER military; there is no more draft! How convenient!
I'm a member of Brother Terry's "generation" (no overlap, please, we're rational) and like him I faced the draft. I took the same stand he did and I was "lovingly counseled" to EXPECT to spend some time in prison. But I didn't! I pioneered and offered an acceptably articulate defense of my convictions to the draft board. I nearly fell over when my draft board gave me my 4-D ministerial exemption!
Was I better than Brother Terry? HELL NO! To the best of my knowledge neither of us was leading a "double-life." I may even have been closer to being a "doubler" than Brother Terry was - I know my secret transgressions, but not his.
So was this "Jehovah's judgment"? I REJECT that suggestion! There IS NO Jehovah! All there is is unblinking time and uninterested circumstance! Each draft board was unique - it was made of LOCAL men - volunteers - who judged each "draft dodger" against the other juvenile delinquents the draft board had to deal with!
I was in NYC, where my behavior and "godly devotion" may have made me seem saintly next to the punks, thugs, hippies, morphodites and gonzos who lived in my burg.
Bro T, on the other hand, may have been from an area off the country where most kids his age were fairly good citizens, so by contrast his gowns may not have seemed so brilliantly white.
Can you see how 50 years later, I wrestle with a tad of guilt - "survivor's remorse" maybe. If you are not familiar with T's story, do yourself a favor and buy a copy of his book. Like me you may weep by the rivers of Babylon the Greater for the ordeal Terry survived. Then take a moment to think of the THOUSANDS of other 18-year-olds who were convicts of conscience, JW or otherwise. Farkel was one too.
I doubt that anyone who has not faced this can grasp the level of stress this puts on a person. The Watchtower would take a position that they offered ABSOLUTELY NO advice to the 18-year old because they didn't want to find their butts warming Rutherford's cell in the Atlanta Penitentiary, but on the side they would tell you what YOU HAD TO DO to be approved by the Jehovah Sock Puppet. YOU must RESIST! YOU must NOT accept alternate service!
We were the mirror image of Billy Joel's song..
Hey T, love ya bro, and I'm sorry...